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ESG and Sustainability

Sustainability requires companies to introduce and implement policies that take into account economic, environmental and social factors. In this context, companies that aim to be known as sustainable create a business strategy that protects existing resources, respects people and the environment, and aims to create long-term benefits for future generations by implementing this strategy. 

Today, the number of investors who pay attention to whether the activities of the company they invest in are sustainable is increasing and these investors take into account how their investments affect the environment, the economy and social life. For this reason, the concept of ESG (“Environmental, Social and Governance”), which provides a framework for analyzing sustainability practices, measuring performance, and identifying risks, has started to be used by investors. ESG Principles allow investors to measure the performance of their investments and report on how they perform in terms of sustainability.

As Duranay, we provide the following services with respect to ESG and Sustainability:

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